Saturday, May 28, 2011

Much Needed Help

Me and my husband are facing a financial dilemma.  We are both living in a high population area, living off nothing but unemployment with a newborn baby.  We find ourselves living paycheck to paycheck, in a motel, because we can't afford a huge deposit on an apartment or house.  Thursday, it came to my attention that we hadn't bought enough formula for the baby.  I didn't know what to do, as we had spent our last few dollars on diapers at the Dollar General.

My husband kept trying to keep me calm, through my hormonal outbursts of tears on how our baby was going to starve, by saying "It will all work out." But just like every time he says it, I don't listen, and worry myself silly.  After a few depressing hours, I decided to stop worrying and put it in the Goddess' hands.  She had always helped me before when I was in desperate need, and I knew that if she didn't help me now, there was a good reason.  However, she came through with flying colors.

When I was younger, I went on a chat program for fans of the book series Harry Potter.  I met a lot of interesting people up there.  Even now, eight years later, I still talk to a few of them.  One of these people, Rose, randomly messaged me last night, asking how my baby was doing.  The baby is great, I let her know.  She then asked how I was doing.  I told her that I was happy, but financially depressed.  She then offered to send money, which I politely declined.  However, she wouldn't take no for an answer.  "You're taking it whether you like it or not!  Consider it Genevieve's birth gift."

Now, I was shocked as it was.  How can someone I never met in real life, be so nice?  I mean, I bought her something a few years ago, a Harry Potter banner decoration for her room, but I didn't think she still remembered that.  "It's the little things that mean so much to me."  She informed me.  In additon to this, she woke up at 8AM, even though she didn't have to work until 2PM AND she had a seventeen hour shift today, just to send us the money.

So, here I am, shocked beyond belief as it was.  She goes offline to send the money, and comes back an hour later.  "I sent you 100 dollars."


Praise the Goddess... I can't believe how much help someone I've never met in real life could be!  I have friends in real life who haven't done anything like that to help!  I wish so much good karma on her, and all her dreams to come true.  I'm going to praise the Goddess tonight for our stroke of good luck, and may blessings onto Rose for her kindness.  If my readers have the time, I would appreciate a prayer for Rose, that many good tidings head her way.

Blessed Be.

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