Thursday, May 26, 2011

Honeymoon Over

Not even two weeks after we were married, we had to move out of our house.  My husband lost his job and I could not pay the rent and all the bills on my jobs paycheck alone.  We ended up moving in with his cousin, her husband and their two children.  Big mistake.

Never live with another family, it is doomed to have a negative effect on your own relationship.  Soon after moving in with them, my husband got a job with the cousins husband.  They worked nightshift, where-as I worked day shift.  Our relationship took a downward toll, as our schedules didn't give us any time together, and when it rarely did, it wasn't alone time.  The cousin started talking down to me, and saying unkind things about me to my husband while I was asleep or at work.

I got accused of cheating on my husband, and my husband (bless him) believed it.  I was kicked out and forced to move in with my parents, my husband asking me for a divorce.  I went into a downward spiral of depression, only leaving my room to go to work.

It was this time, that Dr. Possum and his wife started holding Wiccan church ceremonies every month.  During one of these meetings, they asked me if I would house sit for them while they went on vacation.  I was very happy to do it, their house is so full of wonderful magical energies, and it always smelled amazing.

It was on the last day of house-sitting, that I decided to take the opportunity to absorb some of their houses wonderful aroma and atmosphere.  I sat on their couch with their two familiars (two big yellow Labradors) and prayed once again.  I asked for a sign from the Goddess.  Anything at all, maybe a sign about what I should do with my life from there?  We had only been married 2 months before this bomb was dropped on me.  I had applied to go back to college, and was waiting for a response back.

I mediated for a half hour, just basking in the ambiance of their amazing home, and then made my way outside.  Right outside their back door is a tree.  Usually I would go around the right side of the tree to make my way to my car, but one of their cats got my attention, and I walked around the left side of the tree instead to pet the cat.  That's when I saw, sticking straight out of the ground, a crows feather.  I mean, straight out of the ground, as it's end was stuck in the dirt, with the rest sticking straight up.

The significance of this for me was huge, as my husbands spirit animal is a crow, and we had evoked the spirit of the crow (and the red fox, as that is my spirit animal) at our wedding.  I knew at that moment that I had received my sign.

It was a week later that my husband contacted me again (after we had not spoken for a month.)  He had moved away from his cousins, and now without their influence, had made his own conclusions about our relationship.  We got back together, and then I found out two months later, I had been pregnant the entire time we were split up.

We have never had another issue with our relationship since that point in time.

Our daughter was born on May 11th 2011.  Genevieve Kerry-Anne Toler.  We plan on raising her Wiccan, until she is old enough to make her own decisions on what path she chooses (whether it's a pagan path or not).  My husband is also trying to get a couple of pagan children's books published, as we don't know of any.  (We are going through Llewellyn publishing).

We have since moved from our Bible Belt town (and away from our Wiccan church there) and are now residing in Kissimmee Florida.  I really do miss our old church, and you can visit their website here:

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