Sunday, June 26, 2011

Way to Go New York!

Before people comment, or assume, that I must be gay or bisexual, I would like to preempt you and say no, I'm not.  However, that doesn't stop me from praising the state of New York for giving equal marriage rights to the gay and lesbian community!

To be honest, I never saw the big deal in gay marriage.  If homosexuals want to get married, what does that matter to me?  If you're against gay marriage then don't get gay married?  It seems like a no brainer, but alas, much of those that oppose it have indeed no brains.  I also think that letting same sex couples adopt children is a fantastic idea.  I would rather a homosexual couple give a homeless child a loving family, than some of the people I see here who pop out babies just so that they have a stipend from the government every month.

The whole idea of marriage being only between a man and woman seems very old to me.  Maybe back in biblical times it was accepted, but we are modern living Americans who believe in Democracy and equal rights.  I'm not going to be surprised if we see a rise in the New York economy as well, now that Gay marriage is legal.  Hiring of wedding planners, caterers and dress/tux makers is really going to help the revenue there.  As well as the influx of justice weddings that will no doubt take place in a months time.  Yes, I predict a huge jump in revenue for NY.

On the opposing side though, I love that the government is not forcing churches to perform gay marriages if they don't want to.  I would hate if I was the priestess of a Pagan church and was told I had to perform marriages to Pagan hating Christians.  Granted, I would do it because I believe in freedom of religion, but I wouldn't like to be FORCED to do it.  I would at least like to have the choice, and I believe that the government of NY was totally right in this way.  Also, I would sort of respect a Christian church if they were polite in their declining of performing the ceremony, but I would be even more respectful if the church said "Yeah sure, we will marry you!"

My daughter is only 6 weeks old, but I feel proud that she is being born into a nation that is, however slowly, at least TRYING to make this nation equal for all.

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