Monday, June 13, 2011

2012 Election

Who, as an American citizen, would a pagan vote for when it comes to elections?  Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to support Ron Paul.  I've been a fan of Dr. Paul since his first election run in 2008.  Dr. Paul is the answer to me, when it comes to the big issues we have right now, like immigration, the war, the economy etc etc.

I don't really consider myself "Republican."  In fact, usually when it comes to issues, I agree with Democrats more, but Republicans nowadays aren't REALLY republican in my point of view.  Except for Ron Paul.  He has the most pristine voting record of any candidate, and he almost NEVER compromises on an issue he stands for.  I agree with 99% of his political platform.  However, I find the bias against him, via the mainstream news networks to be very disturbing.

Things like, CNN taking a poll of viewers over who won the latest debate.  Ron Paul got 70% of the vote, but CNN says that Romney won with a whopping 8%?  I'm very confused when it comes to the blatant rigging of poles like this.  Now, the following website is a private owned site, NOT a government or network owned site, so alas they can be as biased as they want to, but this is an example of what most mainstream news networks are doing: Post Debate Poll.

Now, who do I think the biggest JOKE is when it comes to election?  Well, I know she hasn't officially entered the ring so to speak, but if Sarah Palin actually thinks she has a chance, I'm going to laugh myself silly.  I'm all about "women empowerment" and independence, but lets face it, this is a mans world and that woman is already a fry short of a happy meal.  Hell, I might not like Hillary Clinton, but damn if I don't respect her.  Sadly, you would have a better chance of being elected as a woman if you acted like a man.

Ron Paul is pro-life.  I'm Pro-Choice myself.  I could never imagine, NEVER imagine getting an abortion myself, as I have a beautiful daughter now and it took us almost 8 months of trying to conceive her, but I do not judge people who have had them.  Ron Paul has personally delivered over 4,000 babies, so I can see how stead-fast his belief on this is.

Ron Paul is totally against the "Patriot Act".  Ironically named, I'm sure.  There's nothing patriotic about that act.

For a more detailed view on his political platform, please visit

Just thought you guys might find interest in who a regular pagan family would endorse for presidency.

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